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a poodle and an old english sheepdog


Our dogs live inside and are a part of the family! They've been handled by every family member as well as the many visitors we get on a day-to-day basis. Well socialized and much loved, our dogs are truly a part of our family. We are so excited to bring puppies into this same atmosphere so you can enjoy them as much as we do!




Life Unleashed Sir Watson

Born July 20th, 2016, Watson measures 26.5 inches at the withers and weighs 87 pounds. Sheepdogs are adorable little black and white panda-looking bears. As they mature, their black coloring turns grey.

He is a beautiful purebred Old English Sheepdog. He is loyal, sensitive, and in tune with emotions. I love that he’s always checking with every family member to see we are all together. On long hikes he will run back to check on the last person, which is usually me, then runs back to the lead person. He specializes in pulling skateboarders around, which makes him extremely happy! He is very active when it’s time to be and very mellow when the mood calls for it. His dislikes consist of table scraps, swimming, and rain. (Poor boy does not like being wet!) 

He does excellent with my kids, and the heavy foot traffic that comes through our home. With four sons, we have an active flow of kids. I love that he protects our house when we aren’t home. He stays mellow in the house, car, and can be the ultimate couch potato. He’s the best of both worlds! He can go on all-day hikes and keep up with the outdoor adventures of my family. He also enjoys lazy days watching tv, and playing board games alike.

With his big, shaggy, fluffy coat comes some responsibility. He shed in clumps versus little fine hairs. His coat requires brushing and washing. I take him to the professional groomer once a month and every couple of days he gets groomed out by the kids. He has a gentle, kind, willing personality with the perfect sprinkle of stubbornness!

Henry, Life Unleashed Able to Leap Tall Buildings

Henry is an AKC, Standard Parti Poodle born October 24th, 2021. He lives with his guardian family, but we have had the privilege of having him stay with us when he was having his health testing. My oldest son bonded with Henry immediately.

He loves a good walk and a nap on the couch almost as much as he loves his people He's a beautiful boy with an amazing mind!

Genetic Testing Results

OFA Eye Results

OFA Thyroid Results

OFA Basic Cardiac Results

PennHIP Results



Chloe, Life Unleashed A Dream is a Wish

Born March 18th, 2021, Chloe is an AKC Merle Parti Standard poodle. Her sire is River, the Merle Standard Poodle from our Scooby-Doo litter!

She is the sweetest girl, and we are smitten with her. My son Jordan will work with her in obedience basics, then on to agility classes!

Genetic Testing Results

DNA Test Results

OFA Thyroid Results


OFA Basic Cardiac

OFA DATABASE (includes parents, grandparents, siblings)


Poppy is our newest addition to the Life Unleashed Family and we can't wait to introduce her to everyone! Her first litter is planned for the second half of 2025, with Watson as the sire. We are taking applications for this litter.

Genetic Testing Results

DNA Test Results

OFA Thyroid Results


OFA Basic Cardiac

OFA DATABASE (includes parents, grandparents, siblings)



These studs belong to breeders other than Life Unleased Farm. All of the outside studs we use are health tested and have solid tempraments!

My-T River of Merle: River

AKC Merle Standard Poodle

Owner: Toni Lagers






Ruby Dance Parti

Born July 7th 2018, Ruby Dance Parti is 22 inches at the withers and weighs 40 pounds. She is a purebred, medium-sized Standard Poodle with rare Phantom Sable coloring. The sable gives her black tips on her ears, apricot coloring throughout her top coat, and silver color on the base of her coat. She is a stunning girl with lots of spirit to match her beauty.

She is nothing short of an amazing athlete. Her joy in life is running with my husband, playing hide and seek with my kids, playing in the rain, and going on hikes. When she can sneak in table or floor scraps, her dreams have come true! But don’t worry, we don’t encourage scrap eating, the kids just leave enough messes around that she gets little treats throughout the day! She loves anything that involves playing. Her kids are her joy in life and all the foot traffic through the house keeps her excited to meet new friends (and pick up the little snacks they drop). She is attentive, loyal, does not get distracted by other dogs when out with us, and is packed with personality.


Genetic Testing Results

OFA Eye Results


OFA Basic Cardiac

Bear, Life Unleashed Our Crown Jewel - Retired Dam

Bear is an AKC, Old English Sheepdog born July 11th, 2021. Bear is 70 pounds, standing 24 inches tall at the shoulder.

Bear lives with a wonderful guardian family down the road from us,
where she enjoys life hanging with her humans and her Springer Spaniel brother, Danner! She plays with her sister, Panda, a few times a month.

Bear loves walks, treats, snuggling with her family, sleeping, in her cozy crate, and hanging with Danner.

Bear has been retired to live out the rest of her wonderful life with her family.

Genetic Testing Results

OFA Basic Cardiac

OFA Autoimmune Thyroid

OFA Eyes: Passed

Panda, Life Unleashed Fast as Lightening

Panda is an AKC, Old English Sheepdog born July 11th, 2021. Panda is 68 pounds, standing 24 inches tall at the shoulder.

We are excited she’s in our family. She lives with her guardian family (my friend and groomer) and Paisley Rose, a pup from our very first litter! She is is just a few blocks away, so we get to see her and Bear often.


Panda loves chasing the kids, wrestling with Paisley Rose, and being anywhere her family is. Her all-time favorite game is tug-o-war. Second to that is running around the yard, getting treats,  and sleeping. She has learned, sit, stay, down, off, come, and we are working on heel, leave it, and “dead dog!"

Future plans include breeding her with Henry, our AKC small standard poodle, offering a variety of Sheepadoodle colors: black and white, red and white, and phantoms!


Embark Genetic Testing

OFA Basic Cardiac

OFA Autoimmune Thyroid


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